Friday 11 October 2013

Difficult To Breath After Wake Up

Shortness of Breath (S.O.B.)

Hello world. I just wake up. A bit tired after class. After taking my lunch, i directly sleep. After i woke up, i'm having difficulty in breathing and it wasn't my first time experienced it.

 So today, i goggle it. "shortness of breath after wake up"


From web Health, SOB after sleep maybe happen due to Paroxysmal Noctural dyspnea, sign of heart failure. This symptom occur in the laying down position and i'm facing S.O.B. even i sleep while sitting up in the class. Actually, i always sleep in class from my secondary school til now. heee Even in class, i will having S.O.B. after i wake up.

Another info from, 6 reasons you may wake up and gasping for air: 
1. Sleep Apnea
2. Heart Failure
3. Post natal drip
4. Astma flares
5. Pulmonary Edema
6. Stress

Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder that can wake people up in the middle of sleep due to the possible obstruction of the breathing airway. The reasons of airway obstruction can range from excess tissue, weak airway muscles, position of the jaw, or a large tongue and tonsils. Be sure to seek the opinion of a sleep doctor if you suspect you have sleep apnea, because if undiagnosed for long periods of time, it can become lethal.


Heart failure can cause shortness of breath that wakes a person up in the middle of the night. This condition is also known as paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, and can be fatal if left untreated. However, don’t immediately panic if you have one isolated gasping episode in the middle of the night; paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea is also accompanied by decreased exercised tolerance (such as getting winded when climbing a flight of stairs) and ankle swelling.


For those prone to nasal allergies or have bad nasal colds, post nasal drip may be a familiar discomfort, and can definitely cause you to wake up in the middle of night, gasping for air. Since individuals typically sleep on their backs, nasal secretions can migrate down to the throat, which in turn, can block the airway. Since your throat sensors can notify the brain that the airway is blocked and oxygen cannot flow to the lungs, the brain would send signals to the chest muscles to cough and gasp for air. Thus, people wake up feeling like they are suffocating. Post nasal drip can usually be alleviated with antihistamines or nighttime cold medicine.


It is quite possible that gasping episodes in the middle of sleeping is caused by an asthma flare. Usually, it is accompanied by wheezing, shortness of breath and a sense of tightness in the chest. During an asthma attack, the lining of the airway becomes swollen and thick mucus is produced, which in turn can be the culprit of air shortage. These episodes can be tamed by an inhaler, having regular exercise or medication from the doctor.


Another common cause for shortness of breath during sleep is pulmonary edema. This is characterized by an accumulation of excess fluid in the lungs in the small lung sacs and makes breathing a difficult chore. When an affected individual is lying down, shortness of breath is increased, thus also increasing the risk of waking up gasping for air. Acute pulmonary edema, which is characterized by a sensation of drowning, is considered a medical emergency and should be seen by a doctor immediately.


Sometimes, waking up in the middle of the night, gasping is more of a psychological problem than a physical one. When a person is under extreme stress, suffers from anxiety or has panic attacks, it is very possible to suddenly wake up in the middle of the night with excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat and shortage of breath. You may be in the middle of a vivid nightmare and not even know it until you escape it. As strange as it sounds, it is possible to have a panic attack while sleeping. During these instances, seeing a therapist or adopting stress relieving methods can greatly decrease the instances of gasping for breath in the middle of the night.

Which one is mine? Its not clear enough. Any idea? Share in the comment please.

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